How Often Should I Have a Well Inspection Performed?
Most well owners are at a loss for how often a contractor should inspect their water wells. In fact, some don’t think about well maintenance at all! If you can’t remember your last well inspection, it’s about time you call in a water well contractor from Tampa, FL.
Annual inspections
Water well contractors recommend a professional inspection once a year. Annual well inspections prolong the lifespan of your water well by catching the early signs of deterioration. Homeowners should never attempt to troubleshoot problems on their own, because their good intentions could result in further damage to the well. Water well contractors in Tampa, FL have the tools and expertise necessary for resolving any issues so you don’t have to.
During the annual inspection, contractors will run a series of tests on your well system. They determine water well output by measuring the rate at which water exits through the pump. Annual well maintenance also includes checking the water well yield, which is a measure of how quickly underground water tables replenish the supply. Finally, contractors run water quality tests to make sure bacteria and contaminants haven’t infiltrated your drinking water.
Warning signs
Homeowners should watch out for signs of contamination in between well inspections. Your water well is likely harboring dangerous levels of mineral deposits if the tap water has a strange odor, taste or cloudy appearance. Ask your water well contractor in Tampa, FL to run a water quality test, even if the next annual inspection is months away. Consistent exposure to sulfides, iron and coliform can lead to serious health problems.
Inspect the well casing and take note of factors that might be contaminating your water supply. The casing should protrude at least 12 inches above the ground to prevent flood water from entering the well. The ground itself has to slope away from the well casing to deflect contaminated runoff. Make sure the well cap is tightly sealed so insects and animals can’t get inside. Report any potential issues to a local well contractor.
Preventative maintenance
Homeowners shouldn’t attempt to fix components of their well systems. What they can do instead is prevent damage and contamination from occurring in the first place. Store fertilizer, paint, motor oil and other chemicals far away from the well casing. Local regulations specify a water well must remain at least 50 feet away from pastures and dog kennels to avoid the bacteria in animal waste.
The best form of well maintenance for homeowners is to leave the system completely untouched. The well cap should maintain a tight seal at all times and should only be removed by a well contractor. Instead, homeowners should focus on the area immediately surrounding the well. Clear away debris and remove tree roots that have grown within 10 feet of the water well casing.
Don’t let water well maintenance in Tampa, FL fall by the wayside. A properly functioning well is essential for the health of your family. If you’re due for a well inspection, schedule a visit from the contractors at Advanced Pump & Well Service. We detect underlying problems and suggest the proper course of action because your health is our number one priority.
Categorised in: Well Repair