What Well Owners Need to Know About Pulling and Replacing a Pump
Are you dealing with a broken well pump at your Tampa, FL home? If you’re faced with this unexpected and inconvenient problem, you need to get your pump working right away to restore water to your property. If you’ve determined that the cause of your broken pump isn’t due to other issues, here’s what you need to know about pulling and replacing a pump at your home.
How do you prepare the pump for replacement?
To properly pull and replace a pump at your Tampa, FL home, start by turning off the electrical current that powers the pump. Once you’ve determined there’s no electricity running to the pump, loosen the cap bolts and remove the well cap. Use a T-handle pump removal tool to raise the pitless adapter. This is usually a two-person job, and it’s often a good idea to leave it to a local well service expert, since you need to be sure the pump assembly doesn’t fall to the bottom of the well.
How do you pull the well pump?
The person removing the well pump should stand directly above the well. Pull the pump straight up and out of its casing while the other person holds the pump assembly and makes sure no kinks develop in the water line. The first person should lift the pump until it’s entirely removed from the casing. Once the pump is out, cover the well hole to prevent objects from falling in.
What factors should be taken into account when selecting a new pump?
Talk to your well service professional to learn about your options for a new pump. As a general rule, large homes require a 1HP pump to accommodate water-consuming appliances and a home with 3.5 bathrooms. Smaller homes with fewer occupants can get by with smaller pumps There are many considerations to keep in mind as you select the best option for your needs, including the following:
- Number of occupants of the house
- Number of bathrooms
- Number and type of appliances
- Outdoor activities, including watering landscaping and filling a swimming pool
Why should you have a professional install a new pump?
While it’s possible to install a new well pump yourself, it’s generally not recommended. In cases where your well is over 300 feet deep, you absolutely need professional installation. Working with experienced professionals is recommended for many reasons, but the main one is that you’ll have peace of mind that your investment will last. When properly installed, new pumps last up to 15 years. You’ll also spend less on maintenance and be able to ensure you have a steady flow of water whenever you need it.
No matter how handy you are, pulling and replacing a pump at your Tampa, FL home is a job that’s best left to the professionals. Not only will they help you select the right pump for your needs, but they’ll install it so you’ll have a water source you can always rely on. Contact Advanced Pump & Well Service today to learn more about keeping your well in excellent functional condition.
Categorised in: Well Pump Installation